The Mellonstein Publishing Haus Process
For creative works to be considered for publishing,
make your initial contact via email communication.
Let us know your thoughts prior to Mellonstein Publishing Haus'
invitation for you to submit your manuscript.
You are only a short time away from seeing your own publication in your hand.
Because you've taken your time to develop the literary concept, we will take care to make real a finish product for, which you can be proud.
"The publishing process will follow these stages."

Stage One:
The Introduction stage extends opportunity to the client/writer to make known to the Publisher details desired for the client/writer's manuscript.

Stage Two:
Consultation and
The Consultation and Pre-Pricing stage extends to the client/writer an opportunity to present a manuscript of a publication concept. During this stage, pre-pricing includes
1. graphic layout
2. text editing
3. printing
At the Consulting stage a deposit Invoice is generated and offered to the client/writer.

Stage Three:
Contract Signing
If the client/writer's manuscript is accepted by Mellonstein Publishing Haus, a contract is signed by all parties and Mellonstein Publishing Haus will move forward to the following stages.

Stage Four:
A layout pattern for the text is worked as the layout team considers the most effective text layout format for the manuscript.

Stage Five:
A design concept is offered to add artistic structure and eye-appealing formats. If color is added to the manuscript, a color spectrum of tints and shades are introduced to the design structure of the manuscript.

Stages Six and Seven:
Pre Editing
The Pre-Editing stage considers changes to text, layout and color arrangements. The pre-balance Invoice is generated and sent to client for final approval toward the non-refundable payment.
The pre-editing stage finalizes the changes once agreed upon by all stakeholders.

Stage Eight:
Final Pricing
At this stage Mellonstein Publishing Haus assesses all stages and the product is passed to the Budget and Finance department. The final balance Invoice is honored at this stage.

Stage Nine:
Sample Product
A sample manuscript is printed without ISBN and Barcode for the purpose of examination. We examine layout, design and color.

Stage Ten:
Final Press

Stage Eleven:
At this stage the manuscript is printed to include ISBN and Barcode and cost for printing the product is disclosed to the client.
A final presentation of the manuscript is offered to client and is further discussed prior to final printing. The client submits payment according to the invoice for the completed printed product.

Stage Twelve:
All copies of the published product are shipped to the client's designated address. Note: In the event that additional copies of the publication is requested by the client, a discounted invoice will be submitted to the client.